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The National Center for Community Strategies works to address barriers that have inhibited the working poor and the middle class from achieving parity within the workplace and within their communities. We partner with community leaders, organizations, and coalitions to identify and expand opportunities to address economic security and social mobility, and by giving residents a voice within their communities.

Specifically but not limited to, we focus on innovative ideas, support services, and programs that:



  • Develop long-term, robust, scenario-based strategies that accelerate and transform community based organizations into high-performing and comunity focused organizations.
  • Develop business ownership models that enhance community and family self-sufficiency.
  • Develop initiatives, programs and partnerships that enhance the quality of life for elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and the disenfranchised.
  • Provide high-quality curricula and training programs designed to prepare disenfranchised workers for entry, professional and emerging industry jobs in a 21st century.
  • Provide technical assistance, project management, quantifiable measurements, and train-the-trainer support.
