Home / Equality / NCFCS Salutes the Mississippi Legislature for the Removal of Confederate Symbol from the Mississippi State Flag

NCFCS Salutes the Mississippi Legislature for the Removal of Confederate Symbol from the Mississippi State Flag

This past week Mississippi became the last state in the country to remove the Confederate battle emblem from its state flag. Many see this symbol as representation of the history and heritage of the Southern state during the Civil War. However, this symbol represents an ongoing nod to the unjust slavery of thousands during this time as well as the persistence of violence and racism which many Black Americans still face today. The removal of various Confederate symbols around the country comes after the death of George Floyd and further assessment of the continued racism in the United States today. Many political activists have noted that this flag emblem acts as a constant reminder of the pain and suffering that their ancestors had to face as well as the inequality still present, especially in these historically Southern states. A new flag design would better represent the state and the deserving equality for all who live in it.   

Learn more about the removal of the Confederate symbol in Mississippi at CBS News.  
